понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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For at least the first part of the week.� Iapos;m taking my kid to school in the morning, which is a weird adjustment for both of us. �I put up with very little bullshit in the morning - getting dressed, eating breakfast, finding shoes, etc.� Iapos;m just point-to-point get it done I guess, at least when it comes to getting out the door.

Iapos;m not very good at pony tails though, which irritates this particular little girl.� We compromised with a headband today that matched her shirt (brown) and tried to have fun combing her tangly hair, which even I remember has a fun level of zero.

Sheapos;s on this weird "will I get frostbite if..."�kick lately.� I donapos;t know where that came from, but today itapos;s pretty chilly outside - about 36 degrees when we left for school at 7.15.� I answered her questions yesterday, but today I�just had to shut that shit down.� Maybe tomorrow Iapos;ll ask here why sheapos;s asking about frostbite.

The school has this little "kiss �ride" area where you pick up or drop off your kid, so once I�got her out of the truck and she had all her stuff, we had a hug and off she went... She never looked back, either.� Kind of made me a little sad.

Sheapos;s sad too, but because her little betta fish Ariel is dying.� Couple of days ago, the fish looks fine.� Last night she looks like shit. �Her color is off, sheapos;s lost a fin (), and she canapos;t or wonapos;t swim up to the top of the tank to get her food. �Poor little thing, and my poor little girl is sad about it.� Iapos;m frankly amazed the fish has lived this long - about 2 and a half years since we got her, and figure it was probably already about a year old then. �I donapos;t know how long theyapos;re supposed to live, but 3 to 3.5 yrs for a little aquarium fish seems about right to me.

Everything changes, everything dies - but itapos;s hard teaching that lesson to a sad little girl.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

eternal duel

Het gaat gelukkig de goed kant op met de gordelroos. De pillen doen goed hun werk. We gaan morgen nog even naar de huisarts om te overleggen of de kuur nog iets langer word. Stephan doet het erg goed. We moeten hem s'avonds laat nog wakker maken voor de laatste pil van de dag, en dat doet hij ook supergoed Nu hebben de mannen heerlijk een weekje herfstvakantie. Hopen dat het weer een beetje meezit.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

a northern chorus

More TV.

I implore you. It will bring intelligence into your brain brain brain....

Morphine dream American junkie run away from all these things, reject and downplay respect. (its not deserved when it is allllll bullshit)

Nihilist cocksucker, its all nothing no way and we are dark, and dressed so pretty in our rejection of everything. (cheap sale on fashion awareness).

Forgot who they were, nothing much, underneath. Elitist smile grin grin grin grin. Nothing much underneath are they?

No. We love you though. There is no crisis, no need for the ovens. But dear sweet upper-america, weapos;ll stuff you in them anyway. New Sans culottes gonna run into your gated communities and train you all into showers, enjoy.

Then moving on to the -
Underachieving nationalist Russians and Germans - Set the bar too low, you know?
Focus on this or that- background or feeling. Scapegoat. Arbitrary criteria setback. Weapos;ve received an F - on the humanity scale, time to restart once and for all.

Now, congregation, lets us pray for terrorism, inter/intra-state war, and nuclear bombs raining upon every nation.


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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I need one out of two things:
- A gay best friend.
- To stop watching Will Grace.
Iapos;m 26. I shouldnapos;t have to worry about "fall back sperm" just yet. God, me and these hormones. I swear, Iapos;m getting worse every day. Yesterday, watching a man eating fake raw mince meat on Supernatural made me almost vomit. Today, Iapos;m tearing up over a puppy in a window and over not having "fall back sperm." Tomorrow, knitting baby booties and getting the first in a long line of cats?

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I am up in Seattle, for a few more hours at least. I want to stop by my old work and see Dr. Heath. I should probably shower before I do that. Maybe Iapos;ll get lunch on the hill while I am here. I had initially told Krugerapos;s that I could work next weekend, Oct 25th and 26th. But I thought about it. Iapos;ll be moving to seattle on Sunday, the 19th. I start work at the Polyclinic on Monday. Work all that week and then Krugerapos;s wanted me to drive back to portland to work the weekend, then drive back to Seattle to work monday. I just donapos;t want to do it It would be nice to get a little extra cash, but take out taxes and gas prices, it would be just that, just a little extra. I figure after a week of work I will just want to settle in and get my apartment set up. Plus halloween/pumpkin season on the farm is stressful and hectic and I donapos;t need it. I called Susan and told her that I couldnapos;t work next weekend and she said she wanted to talk to me about schedule changes for THIS weekend. I donapos;t know what she is planning, but I donapos;t really have a lot of flexibility. I told her that I couldnapos;t close on Sunday (seeing as how I have to pack up my car and then drive to seattle that night, and she got all huffy. I guess the farm is closing at 11? So me staying to 7 isnapos;t a closing shift. Weapos;ll see how it goes. I hope to leave early so I can get on the road. SHE KNEW WHEN SHE HIRED ME THAT I WAS LEAVING AT THE END OF OCTOBER. I didnapos;t know how or IF I was even going to find a job by the end of october, but I did, and now I have to go. I took this job on the farm because it is seasonal, and the pay is shitty, and I wouldnapos;t feel bad about leaving. Too bad I became so valuable to them that they donapos;t want to let me go. This IS seasonal work. What did they expect? They want me to work up to the last day and then be jobless? Sorry, I canapos;t do that. It is a little difficult because they donapos;t know exactly what "closing day" will be, it depends on the weather.

I was talking to my mom about how I always feel walked all over at my jobs. I donapos;t know if it is just me feeling that way, or if it is really how it goes. When I started at providence I was the only one working 5 days a week. Then I started getting a half day like everyone else. No big deal. When I started at Group Health I was the only one to work 5 days a week. I eventually got so sick of it that I quit. The manager and I were in talks FOR MONTHS to change my schedule, it would have been simple, everyone would have gained from the change. Me, the doctor, and the patients. But Barbara wouldnapos;t do it. I got fed up and quit. Then I became so valuable at Krugerapos;s that I couldnapos;t get a day off if I needed it, and NEVER got two days off in a row. I mean, come on, I am not talking about a weekend or anything but I thought it was kinda bullshit to have wednesday and friday off. Anyways. I told them that I could work whenever, do whatever, it didnapos;t matter. But when it did start to matter they wouldnapos;t help me out at all.

Iapos;ve driven up to seattle 3 times in the last three weeks. For interviews and now moving. I am ready to not drive back and forth anymore. I donapos;t need Susanapos;s attitude about it. If she keeps giving me a hard time Iapos;ll just quit. Sorry, but I am leaving the farm to work a job making more money than Iapos;ve ever made before. The Farm has lost itapos;s importance.

Most all of my stuff is moved into the apartment above the garage at my aunt and uncles house. I just need a bed. Maybe my stereo and tv. I donapos;t know about my tv yet. I kinda hate the television. Time for a shower and I guess Iapos;ll be on my way

Roxy and Isaac have been very welcoming. Theyapos;ve let me stay at their house every time Iapos;ve come to visit. This last trip I even brought Batman. He got to run around and play with Lyra so there were a few happy dogs in the house. Roxy and I made apple pie last night. I am going to take one home for my mom. Maybe take some to work to give to the other vegans.

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So I pulled my hair tie out of my hair and a gob of water just dripped onto me. Gross shit.

I think my livejournal userpic ("Donapos;t think of the danger or the stranger is gone" / "You Only life twice or so it seems, one life for yourself and one for your dreams") is starting to make sense to me. Opportunities keep coming my way and I just sort of ignore them. And then Iapos;m always thinking "what if I did it? I should have done it differently."
Living life a bit dangerously (not physical life threatening dangerous, of course) would likely give me a bit of a benefit in life. Iapos;ve been slowly working to get myself out there, Iapos;ve met some stunning people who shine brighter then the starry sky...which is hard to see at Purchase because of all the goddamn lights. But I digress.
I have a standard that I eventually intend to reach, from being a reserved, unsure individual, to someone whoapos;s willing to put myself out there and reach for the stars. Wow, lots of star metaphors tonight. I saw Orionapos;s belt last night, and I started wishing on stars again.

As for yesterday, things arenapos;t as bad as I had feared, Iapos;m fairly certain that the world will right itself and that this was just a little glitch.
I am still going home the weekend of the 24th. My priorities are straight, and family comes first (well, my well being comes first, but those two priorities switch every now and then :P)

Good Night.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

bsi insurance

I am so fuckin happy that Iapos;m gonna hang out with somebody. :DDDDDDD Lol I feel like such a loseass being this excited about just going to a comic book store with someone I am not even sure I will get along with, but seriously, I need this. I need to be around people who arenapos;t my family or coworkers. So. Chris. Cool. Lol I. Hope he either calls or sees me standing around outside, I told him how to get to Bullard, but not which house it is. Ahhahaahaha good planning, us.

Ahhahaahahaha basically uh. Basically when I go to work, it is like getting paid to receive compliments on my hair all day. I cannot even believe how many times a day people say nice things about it. Lol it is not like. A huge amount. But any amount of compliments is more than I am used to getting, especially two or three a day. It makes me feel so gooooooooooooooooood. Who knew that asymmetrical hair would be so popular. Ohohohohhohohohohoho I pretty much just feel amazing right now.

Speaking of work, I feel like I am starting to settle in a little better. Cool.
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